Lockdown Hobby: Recovering your Mojo: Gaming
It's all a game.
Welcome once more to Lockdown hobby, the series for you to read in the comforts of your own home - of course, you can read the articles anywhere, just at the moment, the best place is at home!
If you've been following the series, you'll know that this particular set of blogs offers suggestions on how you can keep your Hobbying Mojo for longer. Last time we looked at staying motivated when modelling, and now we are going to look at gaming.
Gaming is a pretty big part of the hobby, after all. Whether you are engaging in competitive battles, or going head-to-head with some friendly fun warfare. From collecting dice to setting the tabletop with scenery. For some, the gaming aspect is the most important part of this hobby. It also allows you to show off your collection of awesome miniatures. Especially after you’ve put in the effort to paint them!
Normally those interested in the gaming side, often pay for someone to paint their army: that way they can focus on playing the game. As they don't find the painting side of the hobby as enjoyable. One of my very own friends isn't a fan of painting, and within our gaming group we call him 'The Grey Knight', for his tendency to field bare plastic in battle (particularly his Eldar). Which is fine, there is plenty of this hobby to go around.
In this article, we will look at how afflicted hobbyists (who would usually be gaming) can keep their Mojo whilst social distancing. Unless you are lucky enough to cohabit with someone you can play against; you are going to find it challenging to get your gaming fix. Fear not! Al is here with a few ideas that might help. Most of what I cover in this article is aimed towards Games Workshop games systems, however, you can still use these tips for other miniatures games such as Infinity, Malifaux and more.
1: Train your pet to play the game.
Okay, I'm joking, besides if your pet is a Cat, it will just knock all of the pieces from the table. Or just chase the laser dot rangefinder all over the place.
Tarantulas: great for freaking out your foes but rubbish opponents, they cant even roll dice.
2: Take the time to bone up your tactics.
Whatever you play, there will be a way that you can take advantage of the lull in dice rolling action. For example, the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 takes hold soon, and Infinity has a new game format just released called Infinity CodeOne. I'm sure whatever your poison may be, the manufacturer is not idle, there's bound to be content you can assimilate. If not, why not check out the forums for that game? You might be surprised at what you can find out online. Forums are a great place to discuss games like Warmachine and Malifaux, or Kill Team (with-like minded fellows). All you have to do is sign up and sign in to connect with others and freely discuss the hobby you know and love. You might even find a future opponent!
Another epic battle beckons. This was a 10,000pt Game!
3: Tabletop Simulator
For me, nothing compares with the physicality of rolling dice, seeing the expression on my opponent's face and seeing painted models on the battlefield. Particularly my undefeated Necrons. For some however, a Tabletop Simulator may be the answer to satisfy the urges to game. Admittedly, I've never personally dabbled with these simulators. Nevertheless, it's an option albeit unorthodox, on the table for gamers (not like me) during these times.
4: Beg or Bribe
Worst-case scenario, you can always beg or bribe your significant other/a parent to be the unwilling opponent you know you'll beat. Set them up with a starter set and let them know how tough it's been not having the sweet smell of victory (defeat, and feet) that your FLGS offers gracing your airways. They'll be happy to help then. And then comes the hard part, once you have convinced the unwilling opponent to play the real challenge begins: teaching them to play. Good thing many of us have plenty of time on our hands at the moment, right?
5: Play by yourself
I'm not suggesting that you run fast laps around the table to play both sides of a game, I'm suggesting more of a battle simulation. Set up some models and some scenery and roll some dice. See what happens; try different strategies, different army builds and deployments. Or you could practice against a mock up of one of your opponents armies, maybe even pick up a Codex to learn an army you don’t normally play. Again, this isn't something I've personally availed myself of; however, it's still a valid option worth mentioning.
6: Watch other people play (battle reports)
Watching battle reports is something I have done recently, normally while I have a paintbrush in my hand. There are lots of battle reports on Youtube and Twitch. There are some reports which are as dull and dry as the Mojave, but there are some well-produced reports too, entertaining with a great narrative or perspective. I've listed a few Warhammer 40K videos below (as that's my preference), but there are also other games systems out there if you have a quick look. If you are jonesing for a battle fix, I can recommend:
Play on Tabletop
Play on Tabletop is a Canadian channel with short, punchy vids and superb production value. The sports-style commentary and (questionable) soundtrack choices might put some off, yet I devoured their entire library in short order and enjoyed every single video.
Midwinter Minis
Now, the creator of this channel hasn't done many reports (seems to be a relatively recent endeavour). Still, honestly, it's worth a watch even if you only check out the episode where he ropes his long-suffering girlfriend in for a game for a hilarious battle report.
SN Battle Reports:
Strap yourself in, these guys take things very seriously and make LONG videos. They have a high production value, and if you want to see some beautiful armies duke it out over some sumptuous terrain, you won't do much better. Just be warned this channel is all about watching two people play a game, vastly different to the slickly edited overviews on the two channels shared above.
Hopefully, these suggestions will keep you going while you partake in your hobby from home. Remember, it won't be long until we are back battling each other with renewed zeal.
I'll be back soon with another look at keeping your Mojo over lockdown with possibly my favourite part of the hobby, Lore and background.
Till then, stay safe and keep hobbying!