Equivalent Paints - Part One
When we decided to delve into the world of reels and video content, we thought to ourselves, what kind of content would the hobby and gaming community like to see? That, paired with Kath’s experimentation with clever, quirky video transitions, resulted in the ‘Equivalent Paints’ series available on our Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube channels.
We have now gathered quite the collection of Equivalent Paints reels, which is a challenge to keep up with, and thus, the Equivalent Paints Blog has been born, giving you a page to reference the closest equivalents for your favourite paint brands and colours. We have added some bonus recommendations, including paints that haven’t been included in the videos, such as air equivalents and other brands.
In this blog, you’ll find a summary of the closest equivalent paints we have covered so far. Please note that these are closest equivalents and may not be exact matches.
The paints have been arranged alphabetically to make finding the colours easy.
Abaddon Black
Air Equivalents
Bestigor Flesh
Air Equivalents
Bugman’s Glow
Air Equivalents
Caliban Green
Air Equivalents
Dechala Lilac
Air Equivalents
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Air Equivalents
Flash Gitz Yellow:
Air Equivalents
Incubi Darkness
Kantor Blue
Air Equivalents
Macragge Blue
Air Equivalents
Citadel Air - Macragge Blue
Mephiston Red
Orruk Flesh
Rakarth Flesh
Air Equivalents
Vallejo Model Air - Russian AF Grey N.4
Retributor Armour
Air Equivalents
The Army Painter - Air Greedy Gold
Rhinox Hide
Russ Grey
Screamer Pink
Steel Legion Drab
Thousand Sons Blue
Air Equivalents
Vallejo Model Air - Steel Blue
Troll Slayer Orange
Air Equivalents
Citadel Air - Troll Slayer Orange
Vallejo - Game Air - Orange Fire
Ushabti Bone
Air Equivalents
Citadel Air - Ushabti Bone
Warboss Green
Warpstone Glow
Air Equivalents
Vallejo Model Air - Aged White
Keep your eyes peeled for the next Equivalent Paints Blog and check out our full catalogue for even more paint brands and discounts. Want to receive news about the latest products, discounts and updates? Then be sure to sign up to our newsletter here.