Get Excited: Altered TCG Coming Soon!

Get Excited: Altered TCG Coming Soon!

Convoking all trading card game fans! Are you looking to expand the ways you play with a new exciting game that functions similarly to Magic: The Gathering, Yu Gi Oh, and more? If so, you’re in luck!

Altered was created by Equinox as a TCG that unites the old ways of playing with new and innovative formats, building a bridge between tabletop gaming and card games!

Featuring a mix of Genshin Impact-esque art with the familiar fantasy style, Altered is a two-player game set in the world of Asgartha, one which came about from a chaotic upheaval of the world as people once knew.

You’ll be leading two different games known as “expeditions” with your chosen faction (you can pick out of six!). The expeditions are run by your chosen Hero and Characters of your deck. The end goal is to get them to eventually meet up, and you’ll win by getting your expeditions to meet before your opponent does!

(For a more detailed explanation of how to play, why not check out this tutorial which goes into greater detail?)

It’s currently set for Retail Release on September 13th, 2024. You can order yours here!

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