Staff Painting Competition: Monochrome and X-Punk!
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While our last painting competition featured a rather tough challenge for our staff, this month, the judges decided to give a broader category for entrees! With the themes being Monochrome and X-Punk, entrees had a widened category to allow for more creativity.
But was having such a wide scope for possibility making it a little too tough for competitors? Was such a wide category too much of a minefield for painters to get their creative hats on? I know having a broad scope would be overwhelming for me!
Alas! Our staff are always up for a challenge, and they do not disappoint.
Finished Miniatures
*Drum roll*
And the Winners are…
We’ve had such an impressive selection of monochrome minis! The beauty of monochrome in this category allows us to see multiple shades of one colour shine through in creative ways.
1st Place
Oliver M! His impressive use of green in this UV Stormvermin and contrast against the darker shading was enough to wow the judges away!
2nd Place
Jess H! Again with the green theme, she did an amazing job creating depth on this Ganges Battlefleet from Dystopian Wars. The addition of encasing this miniature in resin for the sunken ship vibe is truly unique.
3rd Place
Lydia C with her UV Pink Forest Fairy! Bringing magic to the monochrome category, her use of pink for her miniature and the little mushrooms is adorable!
People’s Choice
Talk about pretty in pink! Staff chose Lydia C's fairy again (see above), but we also have Freya M’s Terrain Crate Dragon joining Lydia as our People’s Choice winners for Monochrome!
Terrain Crate Dragon by Freya M.
In contrast, our X-Punk category has some magnificently different vibes! The entrees came with a strong game for this one.
1st Place
Here’s a magnificent Emily Handleman by Daz M! With some cool shading and highlights, it's no wonder the judges rated him highly!
2nd Place
Next up is Nuka Girl by Ben W, who dedicated plenty of time to making her skin look hyper realistic
3rd Place
Here’s a Steampunk Cat by Jess H, who used a lot of bright and distinctive colours to make this little guy pop!
People’s Choice
A special shoutout to Benjamin W, Daz M (as seen above) and Becca H, who all came joint first place for our People’s Choice vote!
Bronze Dragon by Becca H.
And that rounds up our latest Painting Competition!
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