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Wayland Games Spring Miniature Painting Competition

Our last staff painting competition was complete and a hush fell over the office… we enjoyed ourselves so much, and now there was nothing, what were we to do now?

By popular demand, we decide to run another one, of course!

All staff participating were allowed to pick a single miniature they wanted from any game system, with some even choosing to 3D print or kitbash their own design.

Pippin is, by far, the goodest boy in the office - here he is wishing he had thumbs so he can paint miniatures too.

The first week has been full of discussion and good-natured meme-filled debate - who knew that there would be such a divide of opinion between those who use Nuln Oil and those who don’t - as advice and techniques have been shared between contestants as they all prepared for the Spring Single Miniature Painting Competition.

Pippin even visited the office to boost contestants’ morale by eating treats from their hands but would not accept bribes of belly-scritches as he is a good boy who cannot be bought off that easily.



Skip to UPDATE THREE to see our winners.


You can view all our STAFF GALLERIES below.

Miniatures we’re painting

Unsurprisingly, lots of staff are painting up their latest Games Workshop Warhammer miniatures due to upcoming games - but we have plenty of RPG players all planning future campaigns hence the D&D and various kitbashing happening.


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It’s been a busy time at Wayland Games HQ this week as we prepare for UK Games Expo - but contestants have still found plenty of time to work on their single miniature entries for our Spring Miniature Painting Competition - John has even found time to build and paint a whole BattleTech force!

Bertie is too young to understand how amazing miniature painting is… He will learn.

This week we were treated to Pippin and Bertie visiting us in the office for doggy cuddles and treats. No bribery was witnessed as they were allowed to pick and choose whose lap to lay in - a good show by all. However, Bertie was not as interested in miniature painting as his older counterpart and instead simply stuck to coding with his owner.

Don’t forget to take a look through our STAFF GALLERIES below to see how your favourite has been progressing and let us know on social media who you think should win!

To say there have been meme wars happening would be an understatement…

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This week Daz popped in to bring judgement on all miniatures (whether they be very large or very small) and was thoroughly impressed to see how the competitors have upped their game since last time. He noted the amount of time and effort that had clearly been put into everyone’s miniatures and added some honourable mentions to the awards… to be announced next week!

Daz is very excited to see how everyone’s painting journeys progress.

Lens flares, explosions, racing stripes and more!

As is now customary, Jon took all the miniatures down for their photoshoot where they all behaved magnificently and not a smile or a bunny ear was cracked. With James beautifying everyone’s work - cleverly deciding to ignore the chat’s feedback for added lens flare, racing stripes and the whatnot - our final gallery is ready to view. Smart move James, smart move.

Don’t forget to take a look through our STAFF GALLERIES to see how your favourite has been progressing and let us know on social media who’s won in your eyes 👀

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So, the time has arrived to announce our winners and runner-ups for our Regular and Beginner Painters.

Daz joined us at Wayland Games HQ to prep for this weekend’s UK Games Expo… and to judge everyone’s hard work and paint efforts over the last few weeks. He was not disappointed with what he was shown!

Commenting that he found the quality of submissions so much higher than last time and that he has loved following the painting journeys of his colleagues, he passed judgement fairly and very excitedly.

As always, a big well done to everyone who entered.

Regular Painters

Winner: Parker - Sin

Runner-up: Jon - Morrvahl Olbrecht

Beginner Painters

Winner: Jim Radford - Plagueclaw

Runner-up: Becca - Albus Dumbledore

Honourable Mentions

Daren was so impressed with the entries in our spring competition that he found it difficult to narrow down the winners. So, we have three honourable mentions too.

Curtis - Ork Stompa

Rob L - Dark Phoenix

Simon - Frostlord on Stonehorn


And a big thank you to all Wayland Games staff who took part, I love showcasing everyone’s miniature works to the world. It’s definitely the highlight of my week.

If you liked following this painting competition, you’re sure to like the look of our Warcradle Studios miniature painting competition that we’ll be sharing very soon.

You can view all the completed staff entries in our FINAL GALLERY.

You can also find all the STAFF GALLERIES below, where you can track how they progressed over the weeks - and maybe find some painting inspiration for your next hobby project.

See a technique or colour scheme you like?

Head on over to our social channels to ask about any techniques or colour schemes, from this blog, that you’re interested in. Our friendly social team will pester the staff for you to get the answers you seek.

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Take a look at the final miniatures submitted by our fantastic staff

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Whether you’re interested in how everyone is progressing, or find yourself interested in one or two particular staff members and their miniatures, you can find galleries of their progress right here. Click on the below links to head straight to a particular gallery or scroll on through to take everything in.

Staff Galleries will be updated weekly so make sure to check on everyone’s progress as we begin the second bout of our Miniature Painting Competition for 2022: RETURN OF THE STAFF.

Becca’s Gallery: Albus Dumbledore - Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Ben’s Gallery: Kharn the Betrayer - Warhammer: 40,000

Chris Pond’s Gallery: The Avatar of Khaine - Warhammer: 40,000

Christopher Hollington’s Gallery: Chaos Lord on Karkadrak - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Craig’s Gallery: Dominion Zephon - Horus Heresy

Curtis’s Gallery: Ork Stompa - Warhammer: 40,000

Harley’s Gallery: Spawn of Chronozon - Mythos

James G’s Gallery: Blazing Lord - Warcry

Jim Radford’s Gallery: Plagueclaw - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

John’s Gallery: Fafnir Rann - Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

Jon’s Gallery: Morrvahl Olbrecht - Warhammer Quest: Cursed City

Kate’s Gallery: Dragon of Black Ice - D&D

Katherine’s Gallery: Fire Eagle - Wild West Exodus

Lee’s Gallery: Ork Gargant - Epic Space Marine from 1991

MollyA’s Gallery: Kreechur - Wild West Exodus

Parker’s Gallery: Sin - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Rachel’s Gallery: Frostheart Phoenix - Warhammer

Rhyce’s Gallery: Officio Assassinorum Culexus Assassin - Warhammer 40,000

Rob L’s Gallery: Dark Phoenix

Ross’s Gallery: Legendary Burson Carpathian - Wild West Exodus

Sam S’s Gallery: Legendary Vor Khet - Wild West Exodus

Simon’s Gallery: Frostlord on Stonehorn - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

Soul Nakarkos’ Gallery

Taylor B’s Gallery: War Dog - Warhammer: 40,000

Thomas James Bass’ Gallery: Barbarian Berserker - Avatars of War

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Follow Becca’s progress on her Albus Dumbledore right here!

Why did Becca choose this miniature?

I wanted to paint this mini because, as a Harry Potter fan, I think the model is so cool and plan to have it on display at home (if it goes well.) It'll be a challenge for me to paint as I've never painted flames or fire before and I want to try to paint the lighting and shadows the fire would cast on the different textures/materials as if it was true to life. I'm also excited to try make my own base design too using resin.

Like what you see?

Becca has supplied us with the colours she used for her Albus Dumbledore so you can have a go recreating her colour scheme at home.

Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!

Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.

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Follow Ben’s progress on his Kharn the Betrayer right here!

Why did Ben choose this miniature?

I chose this model to paint after I picked up the Army Painter Speedpaint starter set. Kharn had been sitting neglected on my painting desk for far longer than I would like to admit and it was about time I put some paint on him.

Along with the speedpaint starter set of which I aim to use every colour at least once, I picked up some Citadel metallics because I like shiny things. For basing I will be using Citadels Armageddon dust and Vallejo pigment dark yellow ochre. Oh yeah and citadels technical BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Like what you see?

Ben has supplied us with the colours he used for his Kharn the Betrayer so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.

Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!

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Follow Chris’s progress on his Avatar of Khaine right here!

Why did Chris choose this miniature?

This has always been my favourite 40k miniature and will be the 3rd Avatar of Khaine I have painted. This new version is hands down the best so far and I'm really enjoying painting it.

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Follow Christopher’s progress on his Chaos Lord on Karkadrak right here!

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Follow Craig’s progress on his Dominion Zephon right here!

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Follow Curtis’s progress on his Ork Stompa right here!

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Follow Harley’s progress on his Spawn of Chronozon right here!

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Follow James’s progress on his Blazing Lord right here!

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Follow Jim’s progress on his Plagueclaw right here!

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Follow John’s progress on his Fafnir Rann right here!

Why did John choose this miniature?

I am a big fan of the Imperial Fists as a legion in The Horus Heresy, and the Black Templar Chapter that spawned from them in the second founding.

I was looking for a unique warlord for my army and Fafnir’s model had the right attitude and style. So, with some Black Templar upgrades, I made him more angry and templar'y because why not?!

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Follow Jon’s progress on his Morrvahl Olbrecht right here!

Why did Jon choose this miniature?

There's a lot of old school charm in this model, reminding me of some of the old 40k sculpts. I also wanted to create a more elaborate character than the official Morrvahl miniature, so it was a good excuse to raid my bits box and create something unique!

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Follow Kate’s progress on her Dragon of Black Ice right here!

Why did Kate choose this miniature?

“Here be DRAGONS!”

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Follow Katherine’s progress on her Fire Eagle right here!

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Follow Lee’s progress on his Ork Gargant right here!

Why did Lee choose this miniature?

I chose this as the Ork Gargant was the first Games Workshop miniature I ever saw aged 11 and I have wanted one ever since.

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Follow MollyA’s progress on her Kreechur right here!

Why did Molly choose this miniature?

  • Kreechur was a difficult piece to Master in resin so I thought it would be interesting to see him through to the end.

  • I like gore from my history with SFX Makeup.

  • I wanted a small and not overly complicated model as it is only the second miniature I have ever painted (the first being the Rock Hexalith which is an 'easy’ paint).

Like what you see?

MollyA has supplied us with the colours she used for her Kreechur so you can have a go recreating her colour scheme at home.

Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!

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Follow Parker’s progress on his Sin right here!

Why did Parker choose this miniature?

This mini has been sitting on my shelf for a while, so a friendly painting competition is a perfect excuse to get her done. Sin is a lot of fun to play and as a Leader I really want to make her pop. If I can get the red on her costume right, I'll be happy.

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Follow Rachel’s progress on her Frostheart Phoenix right here!

Why did Rachel choose this miniature?

I purchased the model just before Covid hit and thought now was the best opportunity to get it built and painted! I wanted to set my mind on a new challenge by creating a nice scenic base this time around as bases have never been a strong point of mine (I usually just leave them blank).

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Follow Rhyce’s progress on his Officio Assassinorum Culexus Assassin right here!

Why did Rhyce choose this miniature?

I picked this model up to go alongside my Imperial Knights Army, Unlike my Knights which have a bright colour scheme, I went for a more desaturated scheme, with the idea of while Giant Robots are blazing down the enemy my assassin would be working in the shadows while all are distracted.

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Follow Rob L’s progress on his Dark Phoenix right here!

Why did Rob L choose this miniature?

When trying to decide on a model, I was watching the old 2000s X-Men films so... here we are.

I felt like painting something larger scale and more technically challenging and ambitous (though this may be overly ambitious for the time frame!)

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Follow Ross’s progress on his Legendary Burson Carpathian right here!

Why did Ross choose this miniature?

I’m currenty painting the Dixie enlightened group because well... you know... I’m kinda in the box.

However I’ve decided that taking charge of the assault has to be the bad boy himself Carpathian.

I imagine Carpathian doesn't have much time for Ross Mackeye’s swagger so needs to keep his eye on him to actually get his hands dirty.

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Follow Sam S’s progress on his Legendary Vor Khet right here!

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Follow Simon’s progress on his Frostlord on Stonehorn right here!

Why did Simon choose this miniature?

I’ve always liked the Ogre armies from Age of Sigmar and the Beastclaw Raiders specialising in the larger models of this faction. So you only need a small model count but you can have an army of massive monsters - and they also just look awesome.

I’ve already painted up an HQ model for this faction and painting the Mournfang rider model helps me to finish my fully painted army for this faction.

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Follow Soul’s progress on his miniature right here!

Why did Soul choose this miniature?

I picked this model for 3 reasons

The first is simple, I am looking to start a new army and dark angels looked like a cool pick. The second reason is that I didn’t like the idea of entering the same boxset into 2 competitions. The third and final reason is that I haven’t completed any detailed builds or paint jobs since before I damaged my hands many years back and I want to try and get back into this. The contest provides good motivation for actually trying to do stuff again.

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Follow Taylor B’s progress on his War Dog right here!

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Follow Thomas James Bass’s progress on his Barbarian Berserker right here!

Why did Thomas James Bass choose this miniature?

I'd originally planned to make a small diorama: an ECW frame gun and crew; heavily inspired by oil paintings of the English countryside - realising that I didn't have time to do this justice, I changed tack.

Instead, I've decided to paint a character for use in our Heroquest campaign, and plan to 'greenstuff'; or paint dank flagstones on the base.

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