The 2022 Wayland Games Staff Painting Competition
We’ve all been happily spending more time at our Essex Headquarters and it’s great seeing the team back together again. It has also meant that, as happens when we all return to our natural habitat, miniatures have started coming out in their various painted and unpainted stages.
Desks have begun to be covered in assorted projects as we all prepare to play in staff game nights whether it be a tournament (or five), a campaign, or a few one-off games. However, a thought occurred to us - who will keep us in check and make sure we complete our miniatures projects? Will we fall at the last hurdle and leave our miniatures unpainted and unplayable?
And that’s when a hero appeared (from the Projects Office). One man decided that we needed more focus to make sure our miniatures were well painted and, dare we say it, actually finished. Mr Ross Mckie, the legend of the Wayland Games’ office, stepped up and decided to hold us all accountable by starting our first Staff Painting Competition.
The man to keep us all in check.
He may not be the hero we wanted but he’s definitely the hero we needed… to keep us on track and poke us when we inevitably get distracted by new shiny miniatures.
So, here we are, at the starting stage of our painting competition and we’re going to share our progress with YOU. We will be posting updates to this blog every week so you can follow our works as we all try and keep Ross happy.
Skip to UPDATE THREE to see our winners.
You can view all our STAFF GALLERIES below.
Miniatures we’re painting

First up, everyone taking part had to take a picture of their (yet unpainted) miniature. We didn’t want anyone being sneaky and using something they’d painted up years before…

Anyone noticing a trend? There’s the odd Harry Potter and Malifaux miniature but I think it’s pretty safe to say that we’re planning some Warhammer games in our future!
Update One
Well, this week has been a busy one at Wayland HQ as staff have been knuckling down to get their miniatures painted in time for the deadline - who knew that this here blog would cause everyone to get even more competitive than normal? AND not a single table-flip in sight, they all deserve a pat on the back for that.
Tensions ran high this week as everyone desperately updated their gallery folders so they could show you how they’ve been progressing with their miniatures. It helped that Ross cracked the whip and reminded everyone that they have to bring their final pieces in for Wednesday 30th. Paint pots have been everywhere, with some contestants HIDING colours around the office*, and I’m pretty sure the smell of paint has permeated every lunch break for the last week.
I’d like to take the chance to remind staff that Ross is off for a few days next week and that Richard will be on hand for the kind and loving support usually bestowed by Mr. Mckie… photo to show his supportive stance.
Take a look through our STAFF GALLERIES below and see how your favourite has been getting on. Let us know on social media who you think should win!
*they were penalised with tea-making duties, as is the way.
Update Two
The feeling of camaraderie entered Wayland HQ which was fully welcomed by all after last week’s antics, with paints being shared, praise being given, and techniques discussed in-depth as advice was administered.
I am sad to say we lost a few miniatures along the road, with some staff unable to finish as life got in the way (these things happen, we’ve all been there) but they appeased Ross with biscuits so all was forgiven.
You can see Daz here delivering animated Wild West Exodus demos at Salute.
Competition entries started appearing on desks and Daz was booked in, wrangled out of his painting studio, to come in to give his final rulings on Wednesday (today in fact) and excitement about the final week reached its peak as judgement day approached grew ever nearer…
Miniatures started making their way on to Projects desk since Monday - ready for judgement by the one and only Daz.
Are we announcing the winners today? No, that would be too easy - have to let the staff stew a little, right?
Make sure to check back next week as our winners and runners-up are revealed and all the finished painted miniature entries are uploaded to our competition gallery. While you wait, take a look through our STAFF GALLERIES below and see how our staff have been getting on. Some of our contestants have been lovely enough to share their paints and more with us to help you achieve the same paint scheme at home.
Let us know on social media who you think should win - and if any have inspired you to paint-up one of your miniatures!
Update Three
So, here I am with the final update to announce our winners!
With Daz having judged everyone’s miniatures last week, he had to go into hiding and return to his painting studio to get some rest from the masses trying to bribe him with promises of good biscuits. I don’t think he minded too much though as he’s been painting the next releases for Dystopian Wars and was eager to return to the Batcave.
Before announcing the winners, I want to add a quick well done to everyone who took part - those who submitted final entries and those who didn’t quite manage it alike. Everyone worked so hard and deserves a round of applause.
Without further ado, we split the entries into two categories, regular and beginner, and here are our winners and runner-ups:
Regular Painters
Winner: Izzy Moore - Reductus Saboteur
Runner-up: Samuel Lowe - Be'lakor the Dark Master
Beginner Painters
Winner: Joe Williams - Sylvaneth Branchwych
Runner-up: Katherine Wicks - Terrorgheist
Now time to prepare for the next painting competition…
You can view all the completed staff entries in our FINAL GALLERY.
You can also find all the STAFF GALLERIES below, where you can track how they progressed over the weeks - and maybe find some painting inspiration for your next hobby project.
See a technique or colour scheme you like?
Head on over to our social channels to ask about any techniques or colour schemes, from this blog, that you’re interested in. Our friendly social team will get the answers for you (they’re nice like that).
Final Gallery
Take a look at the final miniatures submitted by our wonderful staff
Whether you’re interested in how everyone progressed or find yourself interested in one or two particular staff members and their miniatures, you can find galleries of their progress right here. Click on the below links to head straight to a particular gallery or scroll on through to take them all in.
Staff Galleries were updated weekly - and some dropped out along the way.
Andrew’s Gallery: Morathi, High Oracle of Khaine - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Charlotte’s Gallery: Morathi, The Shadow Queen - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Chris’s Gallery: Sigvald Prince of Slaanesh - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Craig’s Gallery: Magmadroth with Rune Father - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Daniel’s Gallery: Broken Spectre - Malifaux
Harley’s Gallery: High Marshal Helbrecht - Warhammer 40,000
Izzy’s Gallery: Reductus Saboteur - Warhammer 40,000
Jim’s Gallery: Hexmark Destroyer - Warhammer 40,000
Jake’s Gallery: Thundertusk - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Joe’s Gallery: Sylvaneth Branchwych - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Jon’s Gallery: Ulfenwatch Banner Holder - Warhammer Quest
Katherine’s Gallery: Terrorgheist - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Lee’s Gallery: Space Marine Castellan - Warhammer 40,000
Rachel’s Gallery: Mindstealer Sphiranx - Warcry
Rebecca’s Gallery: Filtch - Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Rob’s Gallery: Lumineth Vanari Lord Regent - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Ross’s Gallery: Beast Snagga Boss - Warhammer 40,000
Samuel L’s Gallery: Be'lakor the Dark Master - Warhammer 40,000/Age of Sigmar
Soul’s Gallery: Necron Catacomb Command Barge - Warhammer 40,000
Soner’s Gallery: Intrepid Emissary - Malifaux
Taylor’s Gallery: Draconith Prince Karazai the Scarred - Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Andrew's Gallery
Follow Andrew’s progress on his Morathi, High Oracle of Khaine right here!

Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Charlotte's Gallery
Follow Charlotte’s progress on her Morathi, The Shadow Queen right here!

Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Like what you see?
Charlotte has supplied us with the colours she used for her Morathi, The Shadow Queen so you can have a go recreating her colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Base - Sotek Green
Layer Lothern Blue
Shades: Drakenhof Nightshade + Nuln Oil
Highlights: Dawnstone + Baharroth Blue
Base: Contrast Dark Angels Green
Layer: Kabalite Green
Highlight: Moot Green
Shade: Coelia Greenshade
Base: Kabalite Green
Shade: Coelia Greenshade
Highlight: Hellion Green
Chris's Gallery
Follow Chris’s progress on his Sigvald Prince of Slaanesh right here!

Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Craig's Gallery
Follow Craig’s progress on his Magmadroth with Rune Father right here!

Like what you see?
Craig has supplied us with the colours he used for his Magmadroth with Rune Father so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Mephiston Red
Abaddon Black
Rhinox Hide
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Retributor Armour
Averland Sunset
Troll Slayer Orange
Screaming Skull
Fire Dragon Bright
Kislev Flesh
Bugmans Glow
Flash Gitz Yellow
Flayed One Flesh
Liberator Gold
Runefang Steel
Citadel Contrast: Blood Angels Red
Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia
Citadel Contrast: Gryph-Hound Orange
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Daniel's Gallery
Follow Daniel’s progress on his Broken Spectre right here!

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Harley's Gallery
Follow Harley’s progress on his High Marshal Helbrecht right here!

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Izzy's Gallery
Follow Izzy’s progress on her Reductus Saboteur right here!

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Jake's Gallery
Follow Jake’s progress on his Thundertusk right here!

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Jim's Gallery
Follow Jim’s progress on his Hexmark Destroyer right here!

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Joe's Gallery
Follow Joe’s progress on his Sylvaneth Branchwych right here!

Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Jon's Gallery
Follow Jon’s progress on his Ulfenwatch Banner Holder right here!

Like what you see?
Jon has supplied us with the colours he used for his Ulfenwatch Banner Holder so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Katherine's Gallery
Follow Katherine’s progress on her Terrorgheist right here!

Like what you see?
Katherine has supplied us with the colours she used for her Terrorgheist so you can have a go recreating her colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Citadel Contrast: Shyish Purple
Citadel Contrast: Magos Purple
Citadel Contrast: Volupus Pink
Citadel Base: Scremer Pink
Body & Skin
Citadel Contrast: Terradon Turquoise
Citadel Contrast: Akhelian Green
Citadel Contrast: Aethermatic Green
Game Colour: Bone White
Citadel Dry: Terminatus Stone
Citadel: Corax White Base
Citadel Shade: Nuln Oil
Citadel Shade: Seraphim Sepia
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Lee's Gallery
Follow Lee’s progress on his Space Marine Castellan right here!

Like what you see?
Lee has supplied us with the colours he used for his Space Marine Castellan so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Green is Caliban Green washed with Nuln Oil. Layered back with Caliban Green then a mix of Caliban Green and Warpstone Glow. More Warpstone Glow added for highlight.
Robes are Zandri Dust washed with Reikland Flesh Shade then layered back with Zandri Dust. Layered with Ushabti Bone and highlighted with Screaming Skull.
Metal is Ironbreaker washed with Biel Tann Green then Nuln Oil then highlighted with Ironbreaker.
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Rachel's Gallery
Follow Rachel’s progress on her Mindstealer Sphiranx right here!

Like what you see?
Rachel has supplied us with the colours she used for her Mindstealer Sphiranx so you can have a go recreating her colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Rebecca's Gallery
Follow Rebecca’s progress on her Filtch right here!

Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Rob's Gallery
Follow Rob’s progress on his Lumineth Vanari Lord Regent right here!

Like what you see?
Rob has supplied us with the colours he used for his Lumineth Vanari Lord Regent so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Baharroth Blue base
Shade of Cantir Blue and Lahmian Medium
White Scar highlights
Light Runner Fur
Base of 2:1 mix of Steel Legion Drab and Squig Orange
Wash of Seraphim Sepia ink
Drybrush of the above mix
Add a small part of Wraithbone and White Scar progressively to the mix for further highlights
White Armour
Ulthuan Grey base
Recess shade of The Fang mixed with Lahmian Medium
Edge highlight of White Scar
Glaze of White Scar and Lahmian Medium
Blue Armour
Ulthuan Grey base
Shade wash of Cantor Blue and Lahmian Medium
Blended and highlighted using a wet blend of Ulthuan Grey and Cantor Blue
Base of Darkstar Fine Gold
Wash of Seraphim Sepia
Highlight of Darkstar Fine Gold
Extreme edge highlight of Darkstar Silver
Sword Blade
Base of Darkstar Fine Gold
Wash of Seraphim Sepia
Runefang Steel gradient on top ¾ of the blade
Nuln Oil Wash
Highlight in Runefang Steel
Extreme highlight with Darkstar Old Silver
Edge highlight with Darkstar Silver
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Ross's Gallery
Follow Ross’s progress on his Beast Snagga Boss right here!

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Samuel L's Gallery
Follow Samuel’s progress on his Be'lakor the Dark Master right here!

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Soul's Gallery
Follow Soul’s progress on his Necron Catacomb Command Barge right here!

Like what you see?
Soul has supplied us with the colours he used for his Necron Catacomb Command Barge so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Citadel Primer - Lead Belcher
Citadel Base - Corvus Black, Grey Seer, Runelord Brass
Citadel Layer - Moot Green
Citadel Contrasts - Black Templar, Apothecary White, Warp Lightning
Citadel Technical - Tesseract Glow
Citadel Shade - Nuln Oil, Biel-tan Green
Greenstuffworld - Storm Surge Green, Mystic Gold
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Soner's Gallery
Follow Soner’s progress on his Intrepid Emissary right here!

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Taylor's Gallery
Follow Taylor’s progress on his Krondys right here!

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Thomas B's Gallery
Follow Thomas B’s progress right here!

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