Tips and Tricks: Painting Infinity Miniatures

Tips and Tricks: Painting Infinity Miniatures

Got yourself some Infinity miniatures and want to get them painted? It's a good thing I have scoured the internet and collected the best information to cover all of your needs! Throughout this article, you'll find images, inspiration and tutorials to help you get started with your miniatures, brush-up on your current painting skills, and inspire you to get them tabletop ready.

Well, let’s begin then.

Painting Infinity Miniatures

First off, for those of you who are just starting-out and painting your first miniatures, I want to refer you to this great article on Rocket Ship Games blog which explains how to speed paint with minimal skill required. Straight off the mark, this article explains how you can get your army painted up and ready to go. It's also perfect for those of you who are struggling to find the time to get your miniatures painted. 

Next, for those of you who have more time on your hands and want your miniatures to stand out on the tabletop, check out this blog post on the Infinity website - it covers just that. The article explains how using contrasting colours on your miniatures helps them to stand out on the tabletop and not get lost in the terrain. 

Improving Your Painting Skills

If you are looking to improve your current painting skills, then look no further than this blog on Tangible Day, which not only gives ten ways to get better at painting but also explains how practising is the best way to improve. The article relates to anything you want to paint, not just Infinity; the best process is to "just do it".

Staying on the same topic of improving your current painting skills, and highlighting another blog post by Tangible Day, this time, referring to 'paint blending' techniques for miniatures. For those that don't know, 'paint blending' relates to any method that creates a transition between two layers of paint. This blog post is full of fantastic blending techniques which you could use to get the most out of your Infinity miniatures.

Of course, with all painting techniques, there is never just a simple answer as to which technique is the best to use. There are always going to be advantages and disadvantages to each painting technique; however, with this article as your guide, you may find answers to questions you've been asking!

Painting Tutorials Worth Checking Out

If it's tutorials you're specifically after, look no further than this step-by-step infinity painting guide with Angel Giraldez published to the OnTableTop (formerly Beasts of War) website. It's a perfect guide to follow to get a camouflage effect on your Infinity miniatures, with each step broken down into images and instructions.

One of the best places to look for painting tutorials, believe it or not, is Youtube and a channel called Death Ray Designs.

This channel has several playlists dedicated to painting miniatures (which are extremely handy) and also this video on Painting: PanOceania Orc which showcases the painting process.

Find Your Painting Inspiration On Reddit

If you're not on it yet, and you're after inspiration for painting your Infinity miniatures, it's time to join Reddit and see just how busy the Infinity community is. You'll find all sorts of information on Reddit, all about Infinity miniatures (including ideas), all shared by the active Infinity community, players and collectors alike.

I hope you've found something helpful to paint your Infinity miniatures in this article. Even if it is the motivation to get your miniatures tabletop ready, get playing or to become part of the community online.

Happy painting fans of Infinity and, if you've found this resource helpful, be sure to share it!

Feel free to send us images of your newly painted miniatures on social media too, especially if you found this blog helpful. Just use the hashtag #Waylandtipsandtricks and tag Wayland Games to showcase the new Tips & Tricks you've learnt.

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