Warhammer Space Marine 2 Enemy Wish List

Warhammer Space Marine 2 Enemy Wish List

With the announcement of Games Workshop's Warhammer Space Marine 2, we thought about having some fun! We’ll be going over some of the enemies we would like to face in glorious grim dark combat this new year!

As seen from the trailer, we are not fighting the green tide of Orks anymore, instead, we will be fighting the great devourer and his horde of Tyranids. From the trailer, we see a Brood of Hormagaunts and what seems to be a Tyranid Prime, so far it looks good, so now let's get to the list.

1. The Swarmlord

The Swarm Lord is a very unique and very powerful Tyranid, that possesses way more self-control compared to its fellow Tyranids. It is able to outsmart and form complex strategies to lead the Hive Mind to victory! The Swarmlord is only ever unleashed when the Hive Mind is met with a problem that no other Tyranid organism can remove. Known as The Swarmlord by the Imperium of Man, the titles of this Tyranid do not stop there, you may know them as Tyrantlord of the Hive Mind, the Herald of the Great Devourer, or the Destroyer of the Kha’la Empire.

We would love to have The Swarmlord appear in the game as a boss encounter or a constant threat throughout the game with an epic Climax, this Tyranid deserves its time in the spotlight.

2. Rippers

The Ripper Swarms consist of small Maggot-like creatures whose main goal for a hive fleet is to consume as much Biomass as possible. Rippers are just as deadly as any other Tyranid Bio-form. These small creatures may gorge themselves on the Biomass of a planet, But not even the likes of the mighty Space Marines are safe from the unending hunger of the Ripper Swarms.

It would be a sight to behold, seeing a tsunami of Rippers come crashing down on the battlefield, seeing them swarm and consume as much biomass as possible, while you rain heavy fire into the unending swarm.

3. Mawloc

The Mawloc is a Giant Worm like creature that is used by the Hive Mind to breach enemy lines, disturbing supply routes and artillery batteries as well. Once the Mawloc has caused as much chaos as possible it will vanish back into the depths of the earth just as quickly as it appears.

The Mawloc would be a fantastic addition to the game with the opportunity for some fun gameplay mechanics and some awesome set pieces.

4. Zoanthrope

Zoanthropes are the most strange of the Tyranid breeds. They are immensely powerful psykers created from the DNA of the Aeldari.

They use their vast psychic power to blast the enemies of the Hive Mind. They also use their power to relay the synapse commands of the Hive Mind to the less Tyranid creatures.

It would be amazing to see a group of these in the middle of a swarm hurling psychic powers at you as you have to dodge and weave while dealing with the hordes of Hormagaunts or Rippers.

5. Hive guard

The Hive Guard is an extremely specialized Tyranid life form that is not seen until the later stages of the invasion, where large chimney-like structures are formed to transfer the planet's BioMass to the orbiting Hive ships. The Hive Guard act very differently from other Tyranids by standing guard over the Giant Chimney-like structures to protect them from anything that threatens the towers.

We think it would be very cool to have a mission to blow up some of these towers and fight the Hive Guard to make sure no more Biomass is sent to hive fleets above.

These are the top 5 enemies we wish to see make it into the game. What are you looking forward to seeing make it into the game, maybe some Genestealer cult remnants who knows? Let us know what you think.

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