Time To Celebrate! We've Reached 40,000 Trustpilot Reviews!
Wayland Games has reached an incredible 40,000 Trustpilot reviews with an outstanding score of 4.9 out of 5.
At Wayland Games, our customers come first, and we're thrilled to have brought so much joy to many of you! We pride ourselves on working hard to make sure our customers always have a smooth online shopping experience. Reaching this milestone, with 98% of our reviews being 4 or 5 stars, shows that our commitment to fantastic customer service has paid off.
Our Customer Service and Warehouse team are our front line and regularly go above and beyond to help a customer in need and we love being able to celebrate their triumphs with them, both as individuals and as a team!
Using Trustpilot, we've gathered feedback and started meaningful dialogues with our customers. Through this process, alongside with the dedication of our exceptional staff, we've made significant improvements in various areas, contributing to our outstanding score.
““At Wayland Games, the feedback from our customers has always been vitally important to us. We have developed our website to make each customer’s journey as easy and rewarding as possible, and this is supported by the outstanding efforts of our Customer Service and Warehouse teams. Thank you to all those around the world who have loyally given us their valued custom again and again over the past sixteen years. Here’s to the next ten thousand reviews and beyond!” ”
A big thank you to all our customers who have taken the time to review us and make 40,000 a reality - now on to 50,000!