Keeping it Green in Manufacturing
You may have seen, from a recent video by MS_Paints, that we run the full end-to-end manufacturing process of all our Warcradle Studios plastic miniatures in-house. This is a very hands-on process that involves a variety of highly skilled people - and we haven’t forgotten to include a green initiative in this process either.
We understand that the tabletop gaming industry is rather resource heavy and the amount of plastics that are involved can be pretty daunting. So, since we started our plastics process in 2020, we have made sure that all our unusable plastic is recycled. Yep, all plastic waste material created by our plastic injection machine, and any sprues that fail quality checks, will make their way to our recycling partner to be broken down and shredded into small flakes, then washed to remove any contamination, and processed to produce small pellets that can be used to manufacture new plastic products.
Here’s Ben carefully inspecting a Dystopian Wars plastic sprue for any signs of defects.
The collected recyclable materials will end up in new products such as milk bottles, garden furniture or plant pots. We chose our recycling partner, Veolia, carefully. Instead of disposing of material and calling it recycling, they create circular economies and real economic value. You never know, your new garden chair could be made out of waste from our plastics injection machine!
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This is only one step on our green journey! Keep checking in with us on our blog or follow our Linkedin to keep up-to-date on the latest news from Wayland Games Limited.
Haven’t seen our Manufacturing Process?
You can watch the video right here!
Images from this blog are stills from MS_Paints video.