Wayland Games Festive Miniature Painting Competition 2023
Winter arrived at Wayland Games HQ, bringing with it biting cold and slippery ice much earlier than anticipated, but everything was ok. And do you want to know why it was OK?
Because on the 12th Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… a pile of miniatures needing painting.
Over the last year our staff had been squirreling away hobby supplies like they were released weekly (which is fair because in some cases they really were) but had they been keeping up with building and painting of it all? The guilty faces all round suggested not so much.
Their task, should they choose to accept it, was to select at least one miniature to enter into our festively themed ‘12 Days of Christmas’ Painting Competition. They could choose what to enter and how the song influenced them with their decision. You will not be shocked to hear that some of the links are tenuous at best!
Speaking of which, here’s a festive Christmas Jumper Day photo.
Sorry, where was I?
Tenuous links, yes.
We had suggestions flying around the office like wrapping paper torn of presents on Christmas Day - 5 Gold Rings definitely suggests Frodo for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, right? Black Swan from Marvel Crisis Protocol DEFINITELY fits the bill for swans a’swimming. The Drum of the Nautilus totally meets the drummer’s drumming criteria… You get the picture.
Without much a-do, let’s crack-er on and see what miniatures were entered!
After an obligatory office dog gallery with them wearing their Christmas Jumpers, of course.
Bertie feeling a little blue in his Christmas Jumper.
Teddy tried to disguise himself as a reindeer… he fooled no one.
You can enjoy all the festivities of this blog or skip to a section using these helpful links:
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WIP Gallery
Here you can take a look at some of our staff’s works in progress. Choosing to either use a purchased miniature or create their own using 3D printing or resin, no two miniatures are alike.
Final Gallery
Take a look at the final miniatures submitted by our festive-full staff.
See a technique or colour scheme you like?
Head on over to our social channels to ask about any techniques or colour schemes, from this blog, that you’re interested in. Our fabulously festive social team will get the staff to confess their painting secrets.
Judging at Very Merry QUIZmas
We had our second annual Very Merry QUIZmas, with a massive thanks to our Quiz Master Molly for organising, and much competitive fun was had by all. During our mid-break all staff took part in voting in the painting competition.
Yes, yes - The Ten Thunders may have won the quiz but who won the painting competition? The votes had to be tallied asap to stop the festive hordes from descending on the Operations office…
With the judging taking place at the Staff Association Very Merry QUIZmas, we’re ready to announce the winners, runners-up, and placers.
A big well done to all the staff who entered, using their own time to create mini masterpieces, we love seeing their hard work.
If you enjoy our Staff Painting Competitions, keep an eye out for future blogs.
Winner - Jessica
2nd Place - Parker
3rd Place - Mark
(Drummers drumming)
Best Representation of the 12 Days of Christmas - Taylor
(Partridge in a Pear Tree)
If you enjoyed our festive-themed Staff Painting Competition, keep an eye out for future blogs.
Want more competition miniatures?
Check out last year’s Winter blog here.