Wayland Games Halloween Miniature Painting Competition
After taking the summer off, we’re back with a bang to start off our Halloween Painting Competition!
We’re not going to lie here, we were a little stuck on what to do for our next staff competition so we decided a theme would help - and what better theme than to reflect the spookiest time of year, Halloween!
Grumpy Pikachu stares ominously at the camera from behind Char’s mug.
Unsurprisingly, for staff who work at a board game and miniature game retailer, we are huge fans of Halloween. We love the colours, the symbols, the music - just last week we were listening to The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack album in the Ops office - and may have a few themed mugs hidden in very plain sight… To say the theme was well received would be putting it mildly.
With many a ghostly GIF, staff signed up thick and fast to take part in what promises to be a spooktastic painting competition.
So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Dog Sponsor: As is customary for our Staff Painting Competitions, this is sponsored by one of our #officedogs 🐕 Our Halloween Painting Competition is sponsored by none other than Andrea’s puppy Luna. Luna already has her Halloween scarf ready to show off when the winners are announced on October 31st.
You can view all our STAFF GALLERIES below.
Halloween Miniatures

Although the entrants will be adapting and changing many of the miniatures to meet the theme, you can find everyone’s base models right here. Everyone has to start somewhere, of course!

Update One
We’re just over halfway through the month and Halloween is fast approaching!
Although irrelevant to Halloween, Boba Fett will always have a place in Ross’s photos. Do not question why Fett is in any photos supplied by Ross.
Competitors have been stepping up the pace with Ross picking up his new airbrush and others quickly following suit… learning how to use it has been a learning curve for most so I am sure you’ll see a lot more airbrushing in future staff miniature painting competitions.
This themed miniature competition also included an additional entry requirement: a decorated base. Many of our competition painters have not attempted base design before but were more than happy to take up the challenge. I’ve seen a mixture of pre-made and made-from-scratch versions in project folders - take a look at the STAFF GALLERIES to get a full view but I’ve selected a few to whet your tastebuds in this here carousel.
Update Two
The time has arrived to announce our winners, placers, and runner-ups!
We all spent time admiring all the entries as they gathered in Warcradle Studios in the build-up to the judging and Daz spent a lot of time marveling over everyone’s hard work.
As always, a big well done to all our staff who entered - they may not all make it to the end but they don’t half try!
If you have enjoyed our Staff Painting Competitions in 2022, keep an eye out for our Winter themed competition landing in February 2023!
You can view all the completed staff entries in our FINAL GALLERY.
You can also find all STAFF GALLERIES below, where you can track how they progressed over the weeks - and maybe find some painting inspiration for your next hobby project.
See a technique or colour scheme you like?
Head on over to our social channels to ask about any techniques or colour schemes, from this blog, that you’re interested in. Our fantastically frightening social team will scare the staff until they confess their painting secrets.
Final Gallery
Take a look at the final miniatures submitted by our fantastic staff
Whether you’re interested in how everyone is progressing with their Halloween Miniatures, or find yourself interested in one or two particular projects, you can find galleries of everyone’s progress right here. Click on the below links to head straight to a particular gallery or scroll on through to take everything in.
Staff Galleries will be updated regularly prior to the announcement of our winners and runner-ups on October 31st so make sure to check back regularly for updates.
Becca’s Gallery: Troll - Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Ben S’s Gallery: King of the Dead - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game
Charlotte’s Gallery: Pandora - Malifaux
Chris Hollington’s Gallery: Mangere The Demon King (of Halloween)
Chris Pond’s Gallery: Ogroid Myrmidon - Warcry
Daniel’s Gallery: Craven King - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Freddie’s Gallery: Cerulean Prime - Wild West Exodus
Freya’s Gallery: Goblin Wiz - Kings of War
Jason’s Gallery: Ettercap - Bardsong
Jim Radford’s Gallery: Zombies
MollyA’s Gallery: Halfling Catcher from The Greenfield Grasshuggers - Blood Bowl
Parker’s Gallery: Scarecrow - Batman Miniatures Game
Simon’s Gallery: Dreadblade Harrows - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Slowe’s Gallery: Skaven Deathmaster - Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Taylor B’s Gallery: Thall the Defiler - Dungeons & Lasers
Becca's Gallery
Follow Becca’s progress on her Halloween entry right here!

Why did Becca choose this miniature?
“I am still trying to paint up all the Knight Model minis I already own before buying more toys, so it was a fun challenge to decide which one fit the Halloween theme. For those who are a Harry Potter wiz, it’s obvious that the iconic “TROLL!! IN THE DUNGEON….. Thought you’d ought to know” scene happens on Halloween, interrupting the Halloween feast. This also gave me a chance to create a decorated base of the destroyed bathroom to set the scene.”
Like what you see?
Becca has supplied us with the colours she used for her Troll so you can have a go recreating her colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Ben S's Gallery
Follow Ben’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Charlotte's Gallery
Follow Charlotte’s progress on her Halloween entry right here!

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Chris Hollington's Gallery
Follow Chris’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Chris Pond's Gallery
Follow Chris’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Craig's Gallery
Follow Craig’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Daniel's Gallery
Follow Daniel’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Freddie's Gallery
Follow Freddie’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Freya's Gallery
Follow Freya’s progress on her Halloween entry right here!

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Jason's Gallery
Follow Jason’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

Like what you see?
Jason has supplied us with the colours he used for his Ettercap so you can have a go recreating his colour scheme at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Jim Radford's Gallery
Follow Jim’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Katherine's Gallery
Follow Katherine’s progress on her Halloween entry right here!

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MollyA's Gallery
Follow Molly’s progress on her Halloween entry right here!

Why did MollyA choose this miniature?
My Halloween Halfling was made as I am in the middle of creating a Halfling Team for Blood Bowl. I am a fan of the NFL, the 2022 Season started at the beginning of the Competition, it felt like a good side theme, linking things I like: Halloween, Baking, NFL, and Hobbits.
Like what you see?
MollyA has supplied us with the colours she used for her Halfling Catcher so you can have a go recreating her project at home.
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
Molly has created a backstory for her Halloween miniature - read it right here!
Return to our STAFF GALLERIES overview.
Parker's Gallery
Follow Parker’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

Why did Parker choose this miniature?
After much pondering, I decided to paint the Scarecrow miniature from the Batman Miniatures Game by Knight Models. It seemed perfect for the theme of Halloween and my mate had recently gotten me into the game. The third edition is a ton of fun so it’s great to have an excuse to paint something for it.
My inspiration had to be the version of Scarecrow from Batman: The Animated Series. I watched this in my youth and it really is the definitive version of the Batman mythos for me. I’m hoping the limited colour palette of reddish browns will allow me to make the best use of spot colours. The crows on his scythe and the pumpkins on the base should give me something to play with.
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Ross's Gallery
Follow Ross’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Simon's Gallery
Follow Simon’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

Why did Simon choose this miniature?
“So I’m painting up a Dreadblade Harrow from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar; NightHaunt faction.
I choose this model for a few reasons.
It’s a cool ghost model that fits the Halloween theme perfectly and reminds everyone that if they still need an easy costume, they just need a bed sheet with two holes cut out for eyes. Done!
I have a load of the army already waiting to be built and painted, so this might be the kick I need to get more of the army painted.
I’ve already painted another character for this faction really well. Kurdoss Valentian: The Craven King and thought I could have another go at the paint scheme.
Finally, I’ve left the paint competition entry a bit late and hope this is a quick paint job to finish!”
Like what you see?
Simon has supplied us with the colours he used for his Dreadblade Harrow so you can have a go recreating his project at home.
Vallejo - Black Primer
Citadel - Incubi Darkness
Citadel - Thunderhawk Blue
Citadel - Deepkin Flesh
Citadel - Nighthaunt Gloom
Citadel - Zandri Dust
Citadel - Khorne Red (first coat mixed with black)
Don’t forget to share your #wip painted miniatures with us by tagging us in on your pics on Twitter and Facebook!
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Slowe's Gallery
Follow Slowe’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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Taylor B's Gallery
Follow Taylor’s progress on his Halloween entry right here!

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