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Let's Recycle That Packaging

Another Step in the Green Direction for Wayland Games

Yoda may say “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” but that’s not what going green is all about at Wayland Games. We’re all about taking small steps to work towards our goals as we support the world becoming a greener and more sustainable place.

We’ve always recycled the cardboard boxes that reach us from our various suppliers, based all around the world, to make sure that as much waste as possible is sent to recycle centres and does not end up as landfill. Recently Joe, our Warehouse Supervisor (and resident green guru), came up with an even better idea when looking into our plastic box filler - why not reuse these cardboard boxes ourselves and make them into packaging materials?

So, Joe being Joe, he went on a mission to find a way to make this happen and, thanks to Joe and his foresight, you may start to notice that your packaged orders containing your very much looked-forward to Games Workshop, LEGO, and Malifaux (among other) items now come with cardboard void filling strips.

Environmentally friendly and keeps your order safe too

This environmentally-friendly void fill is fully recyclable (please check your local recycling initiative for confirmation) and it easily biodegrades if added to landfill for those customers who do not have recycling facilities available.

The more important aspect for us though is that the shredded cardboard matting increases the bulk of the cardboard but retains it in manageable sheets so that it can be used as an interleaving layer keeping our customers’ products safe and sound in transportation.

Working towards being green

If you find that your order package has plastic void fill instead of cardboard do not fret; we have not given up our strive toward being green. We’re simply re-using the material sent to us by our suppliers so it gets the most use before being recycled.

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