Top 10 Games For Secret Santa

Top 10 Games For Secret Santa

We hate to say it, but we’re all thinking it, once again Christmas is only around the corner.

While it is supposed to be a joyous time of the year, it goes without saying that for many of us, the festive period can provoke flashbacks of rammed shopping centres and pure stress. 


Here’s a scenario for you, you have an endless list of presents to buy and things to do, and then to your horror, you’re roped into this year’s office secret Santa. Brilliant. Well don’t panic, our fantastic little elves have your needs covered. After all, many of us enjoy a board game all year round and not just on boxing day.

So, with that said, we’ve taken a number of factors into consideration and compiled a list of the top 10 games that we think will make the ideal secret Santa gift. You’ll find products that fit into all price ranges. We know this is a busy time of year, so we won’t waste any more time getting started. 

  1. Telestrations

Sort your recipient’s boxing day plans with Telestrations. It’s accessible for everyone and they won’t be put off from giving it a go. If you want to ensure that no matter who you get, they will love their gift, then this is the game for you. A game that involves what the other has drawn is always bound to be a winner and create a brilliant atmosphere. At £22.37, it may be too much for some Secret Santa’s, but don’t forget you can always pick it up for yourself instead. Play it safe and add Telestrations to your Christmas shopping list today. 

2. Dobble

It’s always difficult when you don’t know your recipient particularly well, but we’ve got the solution to that. Chocolates or a random bath set can be predictable, so why not go for a general and universal game. Players must spot matching symbols on the cards and be the first to do so. Currently selling for £11.63 it’s one of the cheapest options so far, and suitable for everyone. Make secret Santa 2019 easy with Dobble. 

3. Zen Master

Zen Master will provide a welcome change from the usual suspects such as Monopoly and Cluedo for example. Light and Dark tokens will determine your score in this fun card game, but to win you must ensure you’re the one with the lowest score at the end. Currently priced at £13.42, this is a mid-price range option, so may suit those wanting to spend slightly more, while also being mindful not to break the bank. 

4. Circus Puppy

Is your recipient a dog lover? Well, a lighthearted and enjoyable dog-centric game may be right up their street.  They’ll have a laugh as they try to get the stunt dogs to perform the perfect show. If you want to stay away from serious or intense games, then this could definitely be an option. Another game at £17, and one that could be fun for the whole family. 

5. Outfoxed

Does your secret Santa have children? Then what about choosing a game that they’ll be able to play with them. After all, if that’s the case then they’re perhaps unlikely to have the time to play board games. So, ensure that it will be something they get a lot of use out of and give them a game that ties in with their life outside of work. Outfoxed is on offer at the moment for £16.11, so if that fits your budget then make sure to snap it up today. 

6. The Resistance 3rd Edition

An exciting game is always a good path to go down, and what could be more exciting than encourage them to destroy Imperial strength and Liberate the people, or acting as an imperial spy. They’re bound to love it once they give it a go, and the aim of the game will definitely get them intrigued. Priced at £17 it is marginally more expensive than our other offerings, but it will be worth it for the interest it will spark in your recipient. 

7. Legendary Inventors

Ideal for history enthusiasts, and inventive minds alike. ‘Legendary inventors’ is a great one for getting the brain working, while also firing up that competitive streak in you. At the £24.62 mark, it does come in at the more expensive end of a secret Santa budget. However, if that’s a stretch for your secret Santa then why not just give it a go yourself. 

8. Qwantum

If you’re working within a budget, yet still want a unique game that will keep your recipient entertained, then why not consider ‘Quantum’? Coming in at £8.94, this compact game would serve as an affordable, intriguing and universal present for any colleague, and particularly if they enjoy a good board game.

9. Narabi

If you want to be sure not to trigger family feuds and tense arguments over the festive period, then Narabi may be a safe bet. Intrigue your secret Santa with this tranquil card game. Up to 5 players can take part and work together to construct a peaceful stone garden. This game is far from being easy, but the nature of it will keep tensions to a minimum. The price standing at £13.42 again means you have plenty of reasonable options to choose from. 

10. Package - The Card Game

There’s nothing worse than getting a gift that you know you simply just don’t have the room or the time for. So eliminate those worries from your recipient’s minds with Package - The Card Game. It is extremely quick to play, only taking around 5 minutes per game and even better it doesn’t require a board to play on. Players take turns depositing a number of packages to 5 different locations. At £13.43, it’s well priced and will make your recipient breathe a sigh of relief that they’ve got something that they can definitely try out. 

We hope that our blog has given you some useful ideas. However, if you still can’t make up your mind then just head over to the Wayland Games Website where you can browse 1000s of different products. With such a huge selection there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to find the perfect gift.

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