Getting Started: A Batman Miniature Game Battle
Fancy getting involved in the Batman Miniature Game?
Andy and Jack are here to talk you through their crew selection and set-up for a game set in the streets of Gotham.
Take a read for yourself and keep your eyes open for their battle which will be dropping on the blog next week!
Andy - The Brave and the Bold
The Brave and the Bold
Despite having painted the majority of the Batman Miniature Game figure range, and a ton of terrain, and being a big DC fan in general, my knowledge and experience of the game itself is pretty limited. With the release of the updated rules, and with figures transferring over to high-quality resin, I decided to get my buddy Jack to give me an intro game - and I was hooked!
Although my collection may seem pretty limited to some, I tend to bring miniatures I like to games rather than whatâs necessarily most effective on the tabletop. I started my initial collection with the Batman and Commissioner Gordon starter sets, as combined this give a 350 rep, $1500 funding crew (actually, just over), and includes a good mix of weapons and abilities.
My plan for today was for Batman to take out, or at least tie up, some of the more dangerous opponents, whilst Gordon and Swat either defended or took out henchmen as necessary, whilst heading to secure my own objectives. Itâd need a bit of luck to pull off - but fortune favours the brave and the bold, right?
Jack - The Secret Society of Super Villains
The Secret Society of Super Villains
I have been playing Batman Miniature Game for years but, since Second Edition came out, I have not had a lot of opportunities to play just for fun. Instead, I have mostly been running demos, intro games, and running tournaments (which, if iâm lucky, I occasionally get to play in too). So, it was good to be getting in a friendly game with Andy who had not long ago played a couple of intro games with me at Tabletop Gaming Live at the Wayland Games stand.
I took this as a chance to play with some fun miniatures and the new team rules. Having seen Aquaman a few times now I wanted to give Black Manta a shot at the table, and I had known for a while I needed to try out some of my Arrowverse villains, so I chose to use The Secret Society of Super Villains team.
I decided to forgo using the controversial Followers Special Rule and instead took some extra Magazines for Captain Cold and Heatwave. To complete my crew I needed a Boss, and who better than Eobard Thawn himself. With my crew complete and coming in just under the Reputation and Funding cap for a standard game I was ready to hit the table and see how a four man crew could stand up to what I expected to be a balance of Leader, Sidekick, and Henchmen from Andy.
Andy - The Brave and the Bold
I chose to place two of my objectives fairly close to one another, in cover, and the third a little further away, reasoning that I could use Batmanâs mobility to secure these and keep moving whilst Gordon and SWAT make their way over to him.
For strategies I picked Change of Plans which allowed me to move one of Jackâs objectives further away from his other two. My second objective is I am the night which gives my boss a free 6â move in one of the take the lead phases.
Jack - The Secret Society of Super Villains
I deployed my crew with Eobard and Manta on the road and Captain Cold and Heatwave in position to keep Andy out of my deployment zone where I knew he would have to place his objectives. I placed my own objectives in the corner of the board on the road, as close together as legally possible. This was a straight Skirmish scenario so I knew it was going to come down to fighting but I wanted to be in a good position to score my points with just Thawn if I could.
My plan was to push Eobard up to the objectives, use my strategies to push them together and have him sit on them. I would then use his speed powers or pushes along with Black Manta, if needed, to keep him from being blocked from scoring. For Snart and Rory, their job was simple, keep Andy from getting to his objectives and pick off his henchmen from range.
For my own strategies I took: Change of Plans (to push 2 of my objectives together), Misinformation (again to push my own objectives together, although this one would have to wait until end of turn one), and lastly Fake Objective, which I used to lower the VP Andy could harvest from his Ammunition from 3 to 2 points a round.
Catch us in our next blog when we take our fight to the streets of GothamâĶ